Thursday, July 15, 2010

33 Week Appointment Update and Picture

So I won't technically be 33 weeks until tomorrow, but you get my update today because I have time! We had an appointment today, and Dr. Cheree said that I'm the perfect patient (in terms of stats)! Good blood work, blood pressure, weight gain, etc. She also said I'm excused from walking the lakes because it's getting too hot! We'll see about that; I try to go early while it's still cool, but it's been getting tough lately. Not because it's hot, but because I need a bathroom break before I can make it two miles! So maybe a condensed route that stays closer to the house is in order. Below is a picture of me this afternoon. Wow, where did that belly come from?!?! I can tell she's packing on the pounds these days, because I'm growing outward at a much faster rate than ever!
At our last ultrasound, Grace was head up, feet down, and completely not prepared to make an entrance to this world. While we don't want her to come early either, we WOULD like for her to make her way into a head down position sooner rather than later. Today I asked Dr. Cheree to make an educated guess, and she thinks she might have turned. The sharp blows to my ribs at night suggest to me that might be feet, so I'm hoping she's right!

I'm happy to have Blake home for a full week, and hopefully by next weekend we'll have pictures posted of the nursery for you. The only thing we're missing is the bedding, and my grandfather is refinishing a rocker/glider for us, so that won't be in the pictures either. The lady who is making our bedding lost her mother unexpectedly, so all of her orders have been pushed back a few weeks.

I think my next update will probably be in two weeks, when I'll post pics of the two baby showers I'm having. Time to go have dinner with our friend Carmen and her baby Allie (Grace's future friend). Mmmm, barbequed shrimp pizza!

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