Friday, February 22, 2013

Proud Mama

If you've kept up with my Facebook posts, you've probably seen me mention something about my major goal for Grace in life, which is to be a person who is empathetic to others.

She is 2, by the way, and I could not be more amazed by her.  We had her parent-teacher conference at daycare today, and they told us lots of great stuff about her, as well as some things we need to work on.  But one topic of conversation totally takes the cake.

Grace has a friend in her class named Avery.  She's always talked about Avery, and even named her baby doll Avery.  I've never met her, but learned that she only comes a couple of days a week when I met her mom once. Today I found out that Avery is autistic, and doesn't really talk.  Their teacher told me that Grace has really taken the role of her big-sister and caretaker in the class.  She always plays with her, takes care of her, and pays lots of attention to her.  When her therapist comes to work with her during class, Grace goes over with her and does her exercises with her.  This is truly the absolute the proudest moment I have had.  I cried when her teacher told me, and have cried all evening since every time I think about it.  We've talked about making sure to include others and play with people who are alone, but honestly at 2 years of age, I don't think she learned this behavior from any conversation we've ever had.  I can only come to the realization and hope that this is just deep within her character, and I am so proud.  I hope that she and Avery continue to be friends as they grow up.

I also found out that Grace tucks her friends in, sings them songs and pats them at naptime.  Love that girl.


1 comment:

  1. i wanted to let you know that i still read your blog, and i love the honest things you share. i read this last week on my phone, but it is a pain to comment, but wanted to go back and let you know that i cried when i read this and thought it was incredibly sweet and wonderful. good job, lindsey. your little girl is being raised in kindness and gentleness and she is giving this loving kindness to those around her. what greater gift could she give to others than her sweet love. so very, very beautiful. xoxo, stephanie
