Friday, August 13, 2010

37 Weeks & Nursery Pics!

Today we are full term! Yay! We had an ultrasound this morning before our regular appt to check on Grace's position, and I'm happy to report that she's head down! Not sure if it's due to the "breech dance" my mom taught me or if she was headed that way on her own, but it doesn't matter to me how she got there, as long as she's there!

After taking her measurements, they estimate she weighs 7 lbs 1 oz right now, +/- 7 oz. With three weeks to go and no progress on my end, I'm getting a little nervous about what that final weight may be, but happy that she seems to be doing so well!

My mom came in town this past weekend to help me get everything ready to go, and Blake got home from his travels yesterday and FINALLY got to see her room. When I laid down on the couch and Blake came over to say hello to Grace, she started squirming like crazy! I think she missed hearing from her daddy just as much as I did!

Just about everything is done, except that we're waiting to get her rocking chair back from my PawPaw and the new cushions for it are being made and should be ready next week as well. I'll be sure to update the pictures as we get more stuff in, but everything is just about ready; all we need now is that baby!
The butterfly mobile hanging on the window will be hung from the ceiling, and the rocking chair will go where the stroller/swing are currently sitting.

Yes, there will be another drawer there, but I sent it with the chair PawPaw refinished for us so that he could match the stain.

We are so grateful for our little miracle from God, and can't wait to meet her!

Thanks to James and Lisa Buchanan for this oh-so-cute painted canvas for Grace's room! It fit perfectly in it's spot!

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